Tuesday, March 28, 2006

No, I Haven't Fallen Off the Face of the Earth

I am still waiting for communication from the Bishop's office on postulancy. I emailed the coordinator last night , who told me (contrary to what I had been told by others) that I would get a letter with a date and time for an interview with the Bishop, and if he concurred with the COM recommendation, he would grant me postulancy then, followed up by a letter.

So here's how my tortured mind now works:

Scenario A: The COM recommended in favor, but talked of my somewhat checkered past, and he wants to meet with me personally to see if I'm scary or not;

Scenario B: although the COM recommended in favor, he's decided that ordained ministry is not for me, so he wants to meet me in person and explain;

Scenario C: Since he's due to retire soon, he just wants the pleasure of meeting with the candidates (after all, that's what the handbook said he would do).

Of course, the reality is probably much simpler - reminding myself of Occam's Razor at this point - but conspiracy theories and paranoia are so much more fun.

In the meantime, we are busily preparing to put the house ont he market. I've completed all the fun projects, involving tools and paint and such, so I'm left with the hard work of decluttering and storing the remaining things neatly. This is not my natural state of being.

I did have a conversation with my boss and his boss about my life-change. They were very pleased and supportive, and want me to make a proposal for providing a little part-time consulting assistance to get the bank properly transitioned into life without Mibi fixing all their little problems. Sounds good to me.

Now if the Bishop says no, the apple cart is upset again, but like Scarlett, I'll worry about that tomorrow...


  1. aren't you positively climbing the walls? I'm climbing them *for* you. Keep Scarlett in mind and pour yourself a little julep, darlin'

  2. FWIW, in my diocese, the Bishop met with each person individually regardless of the outcome....don't sweat it; Bishops rarely go against COM recommendations. Easy for me to say, I know. Good luck!

  3. Hang in there!

    Thank you for your note on my blog. I'm still out here and things are okay, I'm just a bit overwhelmed. More details on my blog.
