Friday, March 17, 2006


The Commission on Ministry interviews this morning went well. I thought I did an adequate job, but after we were done one of the Commission members told PH that he thought it was the best interview he had ever participated in, and that he thought it felt rather like a coronation at the end of a long process.

Un peut trop.

I found the experience very intense, and although they didn't ask snarky questions, they asked some challenging ones. After it was over, and PH and I went to the car, I cried for a bit, relieving some of the stress of the experience, I think. PH took me out for a nice little French bistro lunch.

I hope his words are prescient. I expect to get a call tomorrow or Sunday letting me know what they will recommend to the Bishop. If I get the thumbs up from them, it's pretty certain the Bishop will OK me as well.

Thanks, Lord. The Lorica of Saint Patrick did well by me this morning, I think.

Now I really DO need to declutter the house!


  1. I'm so glad to hear it went well, mibi. Relief can often bring tears!

  2. Glad it went well. Sounds like signs are good.

  3. I'm so glad you finished this part!
    Glad it went well! Proud of you!
