Monday, October 03, 2005

Nursery School is So Very Cool.

It's especially cool when you've got a matching dress and shoes and backpack. This is granddaughter Katie (all in pink) with her best friend since birth Skyler at their first day of nursery school.


  1. Oh how adorable!!! I love the look on her face.

  2. So precious! I love this picture of these cute girls! I hope this is a great year for them!

  3. Precious picture! It brings back memories of when my own two girls had their first days at school.

  4. I love the picture!!! I love preschoolers! Thanks for sharing this.

    Also, thanks for sharing in your process of discernment. I have several friends in that process right now. I enjoy watching their discernment process and walking the journey with them.

    Cathy, preschool special ed teacher

  5. Cathy- these girls (and of course especially the grandprincess Katie) are so sweet. The grandparent thing is the most wonderful experience. I am blessed.
