Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Betwixt and Between

Home for 16 hours before I go to California for a business trip.

The Family Reunion in Tornado Alley was wonderful, except I ate like cattle in the feedlots and am terrified to get on the scale. I think I have enough stretchy-baggy clothes to cover me for the next few days. The temps were over 100 EVERY day. Don't you think it should have melted off a pound or two?

We came home to a sink full of dirty dishes, back door unlocked, garage door open with my Saab exposed to the world (gasp!) and the key to it sitting on my kitchen counter. So much fun coming home from vacation to start grinding one's teeth over teenage behavior. Yes, I know I'm obsessive about keeping my kitchen sink empty, but it's a little tiny vice. Ah, the belief that we control our little world is so easily shattered!

I find myself thinking a lot about attending an event like this which is grounded in another faith tradition - in this case, the Swedish Pietist Movement - think Lake Wobegon. It gives me a fresh view, and fresh appreciation for my own. I thought harder about the words I was hearing than I sometimes do when participating in our service. A lovely gift, although the sermon gave me the wimwams, since it was delivered by one of the more conservative pastors in a family with a very much higher than average parson-per-person ratio.

DH and I sang a duet at the family talent show. We've decided to keep our day jobs...

Please pray for me traveling out and back. I'm taking the red-eye home, and so will be getting home early Saturday morning, which means my hands will be shaking with not enough sleep for icon-writing class at noon that day, but that's another story.

Peace to all.


  1. Friday mom- of course I bought a Dala horse! We were in Lindsborg, Kansas, aka Little Sweden, and they not only have the traditional Dala horses for sale, they have great big ones to see painted in very amusing ways (little the cows in Chicago several years ago), like "Kronor, the Dollar Horse."

    Little Kernel - I first heard that expression growing up 50 years ago in the new York Metro area, believe it or not. So glad it gave you a smile.

    It's 100 degrees out here in Washington. I ran home to finish up the laundry and I'm just heading out to the airport. Hopefully the temps won't affect the travel. The older I get, the less I enjoy planes.

  2. You are invited to join the RevGalBlogPals -- you would fit in quite nicely....

  3. Revernedmommy, I signed on. Thank you for the invite - I love this circle of friends.
