Saturday, February 02, 2013

Saturday Stuff

It has already been a full day: a great St Giles' Gate session with I and N, followed by a trip to the Farmers' Market, a snack, a serious workout at the new gym ($10 a month was an offer I couldn't refuse), then lunch. I wrapped up the final paper for the Jan term class and uploaded it for my professor's grading, and am looking forward to a bite to eat and a movie at the Byrd Theatre, a true Richmond treasure.

The next couple of weeks are jam-packed with stuff - I'm double-booked several times, which I do not like at all, and there are some issues that need sorting in some of my extra-parochial responsibilities, which falls into the category of "human nature rearing its inconsistent head." Sigh.

Still, life is pretty good. Now, if the professor gives me an A on the paper, I'll upgrade life to "very good" but even if that doesn't happen, it's all okay.

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