Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Sabbath Miscellany

Lots of beautiful moments this week:
  • Our parish hosted a group of 32 men without permanent housing through CARITAS (Churches Around Richmond To Assure Shelter). Delightful men and great volunteers. A different menu each night - we've evolved past the point where we serve seven nights of baked spaghetti or lasagna - and lots of helpers to take the guys to the Y for a shower or to the laundromat to do their wash.
  • We got three volunteers for the internal audit committee. Necessary but not necessarily exciting work - I am so grateful for folks who will tend to this.
  • At the Committee on the Diaconate, we talked with three persons who are in preparation for that ministry. Three more different people you could not imagine, and yet they share one important thing: they have a deacon's heart, wanted to bring the church out into the world to transform it for those who are hurting, lonely, sick, suffering. They will be gifts tot he church.
  • Our newly formed Stewardship team came over to our house last night for a conversation - they are wonderful, full of good energy and good ideas. Looking forward to going with them to the training program our diocese is presenting on narrative budgets as a way to tell the parish's story.
  • It is a gorgeous day outside, and I think now that the sermon is done, I'm going out for a walk. Still have to finish the adult forum on the Care of Creation, but that can wait until I savor some of that Creation!
  • To come: finding a couple more folks for our deacon-trainee's Lay Committee. I've got two guys and I want to find two women...hoping the two I am considering will say yes.
Oh, and tonight is Date Night chez Mibi. Haven't decided what we'll do yet, but it will be nice to have some uninterrupted time with my sweetheart.

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