Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Busy-ness Abounds

It's Wednesday, right?

Last night was our Blue Christmas Service, a time of quiet prayer, meditation, scripture, music, and candlelight for those for whom the season is one of remembered pain or loss rather than jollity. I was glad that we had attendees from the parish and several from outside the parish. Glad to be a resource.

This morning I did a mentoring session with two of our Sudanese parishioners who are participating in a lay leadership program for Sudanese Christians...we are wending our way through the OT prophets. I love these two people and I love the OT prophets, but putting the two things together is not always easy. My brain hurts, but they are so sweet and appreciative.

In 20 minutes, we will have our noon Celtic Eucharist with Laying on of Hands and Healing Prayer. It is the prefect antidote to "Holly Jolly Christmas" and "Rudolph." We have a faithful band of ten people who are almost always there, plus others who are occasional attenders. It is so sweet to have such an intimate service. Some of these folks cannot attend Sunday morning services, for a variety of physical or emotional reasons, and they are so tender to each other.

Christmas prep continues, from the three sermons I am preaching on Saturday and Sunday to finishing knitting a couple of gifts. My hands have been particularly achy (appointment with the rheumatologist in a month) so it's not gone as quickly as I'd like, but the gifts will get done.

In any case, parties that we will host are over, the house is relatively clean in case of any drop-ins, and the Worship team has everything else lined up. Our dear S--- clan will decorate the church with poinsettias and trees, the bulletins have been prepared and are being printed, and relatives of parishioners are heading into town for the feast.

Come, Lord Jesus, come! We're ready for you!

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