Monday, November 14, 2011


Three wonderful things happened yesterday and today:
1) our Vestry voted to call me as their rector, converting me from a term-limited Priest-in-Charge to a stay-until-you-are ready-to-leave-unless-you-do-a-bad-thing call. I am feeling like there is so much more ministry to do here, so it is a blessing. When it was announced at our annual congregational meeting yesterday, there was much joy and enthusiasm in the room. I'm pleased beyond words.
2) I found a very reasonable and beautiful tribal rug on, ordered it on Friday, and it arrived today. The colors are even better than it appeared on the website and it will really finish the room. A small thing in the grand scheme of things, nothing of the magnitude of item #1, but it just tickles me.
3) at a regional meeting of our parishes tonight, two folks from other parishes asked about bringing two new children to our St Giles Gate program on Saturday (CE and worship for children with special needs). This is just what we wanted for this ministry, that we would be a resource to the larger community. TBTG!

All good things, regardless of magnitude, are gifts from God. Also a good thing: my father-in-law, who had some major league surgery a couple of weeks ago, is slowly recovering and getting his sense of humor and feistiness back. PH is headed out next week to visit for a few days and spend Thanksgiving there. I get to have a peaceful day of not overeating and watching old movies on Netflix streaming video. And my son StoneMason and his fiancee are headed down here this weekend for a visit, so we will have an early Thanksgiving-ish dinner together. I'm feeling very blessed right about now. Tired, but blessed.

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