Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Checking In

I know I haven't touched base with you in a while. Between the Seminarian preaching (she wrapped up her internship yesterday) and being away on the fabulous and wonderful Youth Group Mission Trip (more on that in a subsequent post), I haven't been here with content for you. Plus a beloved parishioner turned 105, another was just born, and yet another has been given a devastating diagnosis. Plus StrongOpinions is going through a bad patch right now, and is home for some intensive mom time, and I do mean intensive.

I love my work. I love my parish. I love my family.

But I'm feeling stretched pretty thin right now.

I know we will get through this.

I will catch up on sleep in the wake of the trip, and will get back into the rhythm of daily exercise. I will sit with my sick parishioner and my struggling child, and God will do what God wills with each of them. I will find some space for prayer and contemplation.

Vacation is theoretically starting on August 15th. I am hoping SO will be well enough for us to leave her for a few days. I am hoping our VBS from the 8th to the 12th will go smoothly, thanks to some gifted laypeople who make it happen. I am hoping that our week of hosting homeless families in our parish hall from the 27th through Sept 3 will be a blessing to our guests as well as to us.

This vessel is pretty dry right now. Only dregs at the bottom. Fill me, Lord, fill me.

Our oldest parishioner, Mr Mac, celebrates his 105th BD.
Our youngest parishioner, Kiden Joy, celebrates 11 days of life.

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