Friday, April 08, 2011

Friday Five: Moving Towards Resurrection

At RevGalsBlogPals, Dorcas gives us a lovely Friday Five:

"Though I am from a non-liturgical denomination, I find myself longing for some of the expressins others of you may experience at this time of year. The same thing happens to me during Advent. At both times I am drawn to the symbolism of darkness becoming light, of longing turning to joy. One of my favorite thngs at this time of year used to be draping the wooden cross at the rear of our sanctuary with a dark purple velvet cloth and adding a crown of (ouch!) thorns--and what a lovely thing it was to see that same cross on Easter Sunday morning, draped in glowing white with a golden, jewel-studded crown added. Not being a pastor this year, I am missing some of the symnbolism I always tried to employ. I may find a nearby Episcopalian or Lutheran congregation to visit at some point, actually.

Meanwhile, today I am asking for your thoughts on that movement from darkness to light. Tell us five ways in which you are anticipating, or your life is moving towards light, joy, hope--new things: new ideas, new hobbies, new people...and so on."

I will soon celebrate a one-year anniversary at the parish that called me last year. I could not have anticipated the joys and challenges of this call, and all the ways I needed to grow to grow into it. My family, too, is moving and changing and growing.

1) toward the light of a new ministry for those youngsters who are intellectually disabled, and their families: we are starting a Christian Ed/Worship program for them, called St Giles' Gate. The exploratory committee met last night and I am so jazzed about what these folks will do for God's special children. We will do a soft launch in the summertime, then open it up to the larger community in the fall, we hope.

2) toward the celebration of my last child graduating from college. StrongOpinions will walk on May 18th at Columbia University, with a degree in Creative Writing. The world awaits her.

3) toward the addition of a new daughter in the family as son StoneMason prepares to marry the lovely Shauna sometime next year.

4) toward the stretch and creak and ache of trying to get a new free clinic off the ground in our area, a project of our interfaith clergy group in partnership with the Islamic Center. Learning curve on this project is just about vertical.

5) toward some open air and open time to play in the garden. Doug has just brought home two dogwoods and two boxwoods, plus container potting soil for herbs. Sometimes getting your hands dirty is the best way to feel resurrection in the quotidian!

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