Friday, March 04, 2011

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy-Jig

Lordy, I wish I didn't still feel like I was rolling on the deck of the ship.

BE 4.0 was wonderful. I got to reconnect with colleagues from seminary, with friends from last year's BE, with blogpals I felt like I knew but never had met face to face, and I made some wonderful new friends.

The learning was good, and the affirmation of our ability to effect change in the institutional church and in our own hearts was just what I needed. Stay tuned for more on that as the days and weeks pass.

I came home to blessed quiet. The time on the boat was marred by the inability to find a quiet corner. Bad music from the 70s and the 80s was blasted in all public places from 7 in the morning to late at night. The salt air and the arm sun made up for it, and I had my handy iPod with me, so I could combat bad music with good.

Not quite so quiet on the parish front...a little kerfuffle that I hope will resolve itself shortly.

A good learning: having a wonderful leadership team at church and good coverage for the Sunday services and for pastoral care meant that I was not anxious when I turned on the phone and checked the couple of hundred emails that were waiting for me when I returned. I knew that there were no crises that other folks couldn't handle, and that's the way it is supposed to work.

Of course, I haven't seen the piles that await me on my desk. My opinion may change at that point.

But having six days of technological sabbath is a good thing. I came home just in time for The National Day of Unplugging. For a change, I was ahead of the curve. I won't be unplugging my laptop or my Droid from tonight through tomorrow. I already did it for six days. And as the Big Guy would say, It was good.


  1. it was indeed, VERY good...especially being with that great posse of women so we weren't at the mercy of the scheduled entertainment!
    good luck with the kerfuffle.

  2. The kerfuffle will evolve, I hope, into an opportunity for timely change. There will be some downstream ripples, but by and large it will be good for this particular ministry, I think.

  3. oh so nice to unplug and escape. I really enjoyed your company friend!
