Monday, January 24, 2011

Gray Monday

It's cold, which means that my broken bone in my leg is aching.

I'm swamped, and my secretary will be having surgery next week. I'm worried about how we (read I) will function without her for the next several weeks. Yes, I'm worried that it will all go well for her, too, but selfishly I am seeing this through the lens of my own needs.

StrongOpinions is hitting the end-of-January seasonal affective disorder blues. Many phone calls, much wailing. I love her, but I don't have a whole lot of psychic energy right now myself. She'll come home for the weekend and get some Mommy-love, and I hope that will help. PH will be out of town at a conference, which means I get to handle the drama by myself. Perhaps there will be pleasant surprises in the midst of it.

Litigator will be coming for a visit next week. Since he lives on the Left Coast, I only see he once a year. I can't wait to see him - he seems to have matured so much in recent months. I expect he will do his usual thing and watch a ton of television, read a lot, and emerge for Mommy-food, with some conversation in the midst of it all. Should be fun, in the usual Litigator way.

The schedule for the week is very hectic, what with getting things lined up for Secretary's departure, the usual end-of-the-month stuff like the newsletter, and a bunch of pastoral visits I procrastinated about in the past few weeks.

I'm tired, achy, swamped, and out of ideas for my blurb for the front of the newsletter.

And yet...and yet...

Nine new people came on Sunday. Nine. Wow. I hope some of them - heck, I hope ALL of them - come back next week, and the next.

I had to laugh. One parishioner, the former Senior Warden who called me to this place, told me at coffee hour that he was afraid they were a search committee checking me out. Nope. They might be searching, but not search-committee searching. I hope they found a little of what they were looking for. The sermon was on the right track, but not polished, but it seemed to touch folks.

It's hard in the dregs of January chill to find the light and the joy, but there are still little glimmers (nine!) that carry me. And there's chocolate. A good thing indeed.

Four and a half weeks until the RevGals Big Event
. I am more than ready for both meteorological and psychic warmth.

1 comment:

  1. Nine, wow!!!
    Respite is coming soon. (I need it, too.)
