Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back from the northern reaches...

I am back from our Diocesan Council, 100 miles to the north, in what RM calls "suburban Sheol". It was good to reconnect with many friends, both clergy and otherwise, from that part of the state. I was also able to have some meetings that were overdue.

It was good to have a few days' break from the usual, although it will make for a long week.

My seminary had a listening session on the replacement of our beloved chapel, which burned in October. I met with my clergy mentor, who is a wise man and a funny one. I saw my dear friend and her brand-new baby Charlie. I brought stuff to be delivered to some folks, and picked up stuff to bring back. I enjoyed helping welcome our new Assistant Bishop, who has already gotten to know us at Church by the Lakeside by virtue of his episcopal visit on Jan.2nd. We had long conversations about a number of topics dear to my heart, and important for the church. We had a certain percentage of very boring stuff - can't avoid it - and a certain percentage of uncomfortable stuff - can't avoid that either.

But it was a break.

Speaking of breaks, it turns out my leg injury from December is not a torn meniscus in the knee, it's a non-displaced fracture of the top of the fibula. So I've got a busted leg, but not a really bad break. I can function just fine with the Franken-Knee brace, but I cannot exercise the way I'd like.

I've got one parishioner just home from the hospital recovering from hip replacement surgery and the parish secretary is scheduled to have a hip replacement on Feb 1. we are all the walking wounded, I guess.

But churches are usually places for the walking wounded. It's just that the visibility of the breaks and aches varies from soul to soul.

Our Wednesday noon Eucharist this past week was again the Hospital for the Cure of Souls. Lots of folks with burdens on their hearts come to pray and be prayed with, to hear the Word, and to be fed. It is a tender service, and it is so dear to my heart. It has become an entry-point for new folks in need of a church home. This was not how I thought it would be, but that's alright.

In the meantime, I'm slowly working on painting the dining room a lovely claret red.It's a break from the unrelieved tan that the rest of the main floor wears. Breaks are good, mostly.

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