Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Day

I worked from home today. We got three or four inches of snow, which is enough to put the Capitol of the Confederacy into a tailspin.

PH noted that there were power outages being reported even before the storm, telling his Pittsburgh and Chicago relatives "apparently the power lines panicked and threw themselves on the ground in fear at the thought of snow."

The snow has stopped and the roads don't look too bad, but the schools throughout the area have cancelled classes for tomorrow. Yes, those of you from more northen climes are allowed to snicker - I am.

The good news of this enforced stay-at-home time means I was reasonably productive. I finished the teen Confirmation retreat prep - I think I have enough material to train the kiddos and keep them occupied for 24 hours without too much stress, and they will even learn how to make Trappist communion bread in the process. I also finished the Adult Forum Bible study and the sermon, so I feel quite accomplished. Tomorrow will be spent wrapping presents that need to be mailed out and having lunch with PH before I depart for the church for the retreat. Pray for me - youth ministry is not my strength.

The parents-in-law will be coming down for a visit after we go up to the land of Three Rivers for the post-Christmas familial gathering. They are dear folks and it will be good to have them. They haven't seen the new place yet and it will be fun to share it with them. They'll also get to see the extravaganza of the Bishop's visit, complete with seven candidates for confirmation, one for reception, plus an infant baptism. This will be the first episcopal visit of our new assisting Bishop, so heaven only knows how it will all go. We shall see if he is like one of our other bishops who likes our fancy acolyte corps, or the other who doesn't. Sigh.

Dealing with some parishioners with challenging health issues and others with the holiday blues - we will have a "Blue Christmas" service (Winter Solstice - the evening of the 21st) as a way of acknowledging that not everyone can or should feel merry, and that the birth of the Child offers comfort and hope even on the darkest nights. I hope it is a comfort to them.

So the next couple of weeks is a busy time, as it is for all of us clergyfolk. I may take a little Sabbath rest not only in between Christmas and New Year's, but also after New Years - a mini-retreat for a day or two. I suspect I'll need a little silence by then.

And what are you doing to sustain yourself during this busy season?

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