Thursday, November 25, 2010

Random Dots of Thankfulness

  • The Tuesday interfaith service went well, as did this morning's service. As did Wednesday's service. Three sermons down, one more to write for Sunday.
  • Paragon of Calm Music Director did a marvelous job with the mass choir on Tuesday night. 50+ singers from nine churches. She di.d an equally good job this morning, with eight choir members doing a creditable job on a Thanksgiving anthem. I am blessed to have a grown-up as our music director - she is not about the drama.
  • The house is reasonably clean (despite Spewky doing another round of spewing in the middle of the night).
  • We are awaiting the arrival of StrongOpinions, who missed her bus yesterday because of traffic in the Big Apple. Bus arrives sometime between 10:30 pm and whenever, depending on traffic. Chinatown buses are inexpensive but not always timely. Hoping the head cold she is bringing with her doesn't infect the household.
  • Lively loving Lebanese family is feeding PH and me Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon. Should be a fun afternoon and evening. It's odd, though, to not be cooking on this day.
  • We will have a second homegrown T-Day tomorrow for SO, so I will be cooking then, just not today.
I guess it's time to turn my attention to Sunday's sermon, despite the fact that I am not feeling good - I have some sort of inflammation of the parotid gland (one of the salivary glands) and my left cheek is rather squirrelish and painful. Took the heavy duty pain pills last night so I could sleep - they worked sorta. I'm trying to keep it beaten down to a dull roar with Aleve today. Anytime I eat anything sour, it flares up with awful pain.

Yes I saw the doc yesterday, and had an ultrasound of my cheek and neck. No stone in the gland, but it's dilated. Hoping to see the ENT after the holiday. Hasn't stopped me from talking yet, though...I know you're not surprised.

I am so very thankful for you all, for health insurance, for our home, for my kids and grandkids and family near and far, and for the sainted PH, for my work and my parish and God, who with tongue firmly planted in His cheek decided I was supposed to be a priest.

Have a wonderful day!

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