Monday, April 05, 2010

Monday Morning List

Easter Monday, and I am now officially in-between jobs.

That doesn't mean I get much rest, although I did get to sleep in until (hold on to your hats) 7 am this morning!

Yesterday was wonderful, with a great outdoor service at 7:30 am on Saint Middle School's land, followed by a big festal service at our usual venue at 10, complete with a trumpeter and all sorts of great music. The services went well and we had a great egg hunt and potluck afterwards. PH and I came back home to decompress for a little bit, then we went over to K&P's house for a delicious dinner and great conversation. To bed by ten p.m. feeling like it was a good day's work and play.

But Monday is another day. The list of things to do is quite long, mostly revolving around cleaning and organizing for the move.

I'm headed out to the cleaners to get the alb cleaned. Then it's time to tackle closets - I'm not psychologically ready to handle the basement yet. Since it's in the 70's today, I really have to put away the winter clothes and hang up the light weight things.

On to the rest of my life...


  1. If you go down to the woods today,
    you're sure of a big surprise?

  2. MP, I assure you I saw no teddy bears there!
