Monday, March 01, 2010

Monday Greenery

"I need to get a new battery for the ThermaPen [the fabulous food thermometer without which I cannot cook]," I said to PH last night.

"Where are you going to get it?" He knows it is a nonstandard size.

"I was thinking they might have it at Staples, and I'll be over near there to get rid of the dead compact fluorescent bulbs - they have to go to Hazardous Waste."

"No, no, Staples won't have them. You've got to go to Radio Shack."

So this morning, in the midst of my long list of errands, I went to the library, then to the town Hazardous Waste disposal depot (a hazard in itself getting there because of construction in the area), and thence two miles out of my way to go to Radio Shack, because, as I said, I cannot cook without the ThermaPen. The lovely lady who runs the place smiled serenely and said "We're out of stock on this one. They'll be in on Friday."

On a whim, I drove back across town to the Staples that is two blocks from the Hazardous Waste Disposal Center. Yes, they had the battery I needed.

So much for living green.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it always the way?

    And that gadget may be my son-in-law's next Christmas present...looks right up his alley.
