Saturday, February 06, 2010


We've got 20+ inches so far, and it is still coming down hard and fast. No church tomorrow morning. I suspect we will have no church in the afternoon, either, but I'll wait until tomorrow to make that call. We lost power briefly last evening, but it came back on, and I wouldn't be surprised if we lose it later today, what with the power of the winds and the heavy wet snow. Not a good time to be a snowplow driver or a tow-truck driver or a first responder...those folks will be working nonstop for the next two days, I'd wager.

Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of the natural world and for all of your creation. We thank you for the houses in which we dwell, the food in our cupboards, the books to read and the family members with which to keep company. We ask for your help in coping with the power and force of your creation in this snowstorm that blankets our houses and streets. We ask your help for those who are in need of warmth and food and shelter, for those who work the plows and answer the ambulance calls, for those who are alone in the midst of this. We know that you will be with us in this storm and in all the storms of our life. We pray that we, too, will be of aid to those in need, in this time and in the future. We ask all this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. And the people say: Amen.

Stay warm and dry, y'all.

Picture at top is PH, hip deep in the snow. At left is Spooky the cat, thinking twice about going out to explore the snow. Smart cat.

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