Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nephew Update, Etcetera

Peter is doing better. They have moved him to an in-patient rehab facility, where he will stay for the coming week. If things go well, he will move down to Chicago and continue his rehab on an out-patient basis.

He still has weakness on the right side, both his arm/hand and his leg, so getting out of bed requires assistance, and walking is still a work in progress. His speech continues to improve, although he is still mixing up words.

What has come back full force is his sweetness and good humor to those who are helping him recover. Such a great kid!

Thanks be to God for the docs and therapists who are helping him, for all the family, immediate and extended (the Swedish cousin network), and friends who are doing things both big and small, and (especially) praying for his recovery.

A week ago, we didn't know what was going to be the outcome, and it was very scary. Now, we still don't know the final outcome, but it is no longer as is very hopeful indeed.

This comes on the heels of a very busy week around here. Yesterday was Vestry Retreat (didn't get everything done that I hoped for, but a lot of good groundwork), and today was church, of course, with a good service, a sermon that seemed to speak to folks, and Adult Forum that went well - very interesting discussion on risky generosity. Went to bring the Eucharist to someone who is in the hospital. The week that preceded today was full of pastoral care stuff of all kinds, Bishop meeting, clergy colleague meetings...this is most definitely not a 9-5 job, but I knew that going into it, and I embrace it even as I try to manage it all into some semblance of a reasonable schedule.

The coming week will be equally busy. More pastoral care stuff, clergy colloquy group (joy! I love these folks!), office stuff, then Diocesan Council down in the Capital of the Confederacy. Our Presiding Bishop will be there for the formal installation of our Diocesan Bishop, and I will be busy doing some interesting things for the future benefit of St Middle School in the midst of it. There should be some lively conversation at Council about the various resolutions being offered. It will be good to see friends and colleagues, but such events are not an introvert's joy, so I will be fortified with caffeine, liberally.

I am praying to find some quiet corners in this week to catch my breath. even as I pray that Peter gains in strength and healing!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update on your nephew - his age and generally good physical health are definitely his greatest assets(plus excellent medical care and family support). He remains in my prayers - as do you in hopes of your carving out some special moments just for you this week.
