Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mad Dash

I am madly trying to get way too many things done prior to my departure for our Diocesan Council tomorrow after lunch. I did manage to complete the sermon, and worked with Fabulous Parish Administrator to get the bulletins and the announcements done. I will be meeting with several potential partners in ministry for a project I'm working on, so I needed to put together packets of materials for them.

I made calls and sent emails to several parishioners, and set up some appointments for next week. It will be another very busy week.

I still have to finish up the work on the Adult Forum for the coming Sunday on working for justice. Should be an interesting conversation!

Tonight I'm cooking a bean ragu, a roast chicken and some broccoli - PH won't have to worry about fixing dinner while I'm gone - there should be plenty of leftovers to keep him going.

But tomorrow morning will be a brief moment of blessed quiet. Dear parishioners gave me a gift certificate to a local spa as an ordination present, so I will be going and having some pampering for an hour and a half. Delight!

Even if the debate on resolutions is contentious, even if it snows as they predict, even if the food is all carby and bad for me, it won't matter, because I'll have that little bit of delight carrying me through until I return Saturday night.

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