Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Movin' On Down the Road

Yesterday was a busy day. StrongOpinions was headed out west to visit friends and I was headed south for an interview with a search committee. The interview was scheduled for 6:30 pm, and it was about 95 miles south of here. I dropped StrongOpinions at the airport at 3 p.m., thinking "three and a half hours is plenty of time to get to the interview."

After all, 95 miles, almost all of which was on a superhighway, is not that far, and should only take two hours.

I was wrong.

It was a crawl, a literal crawl, from about 7 miles south of my starting point for another 40 miles. The first 20 miles took two hours. The next twenty took another hour.

Suffice to say I was not on time. Four hours on the road, much of it riding the clutch, in first gear - yes, my car has a standard transmission. Normally, four hours would get me from Washington to New York, and normally this drive would take just under two hours. Fortunately, I was able to touch base with the head of the committee with whom I was meeting and let her know I'd be a tad late, and the group was gracious about it.

It was a good meeting, and we will see where it will lead. Friendly and faithful people looking forward to what God has in mind for them, asking challenging questions of the candidates for the position and asking questions of themselves as well. A lovely church campus, in an interesting neighborhood.

Yes, we shall see what the road is ahead. I do hope, however, that it isn't four hours in stop and go traffic.

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