Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lord I Thank You For This Most Amazing Day

Today I was privileged to celebrate Holy Eucharist for the first time at St Middle School. All went remarkably well on this beautiful, albeit damp and cold, Gaudete Sunday. After the service, we had a celebratory brunch - everyone brought delicious food to share, and the Senior Warden brought an insanely large cake. The children of the parish presented me with a stole they had made (with a little adult help) and the parish has arranged for Gifted Maker of Vestments and Paraments to make me my very own white chasuble and stole in time (how can this be?) for Christmas Eve.

Amng the many wonderful folks there was a dear friend from my sponsoring parish, the husband of one of our choristers who hasn't been there for many a moon, lots of great people large and small, and PH, taking a few pictures:

Above, cool rose-colored vestments and paraments, modeled as we set up for our service this morning, made by the Gifted Maker of Vestments and Paraments.

Below, the excellent stole made by our children, modeled by yours truly assisted by one of the gifted artisans.

And the cake of all cakes, complete with the Episcopal logo and our parish logo.

I am blessed to be a part of this wonderful parish family. Wherever I end up, these folks will always have a special place in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, you enjoyed Gaudete Sunday like never before... your first Eucharist as celebrant.May today be a forever touchstone. I rejoice in the Lord; and I rejoice with you in celebrating your priesthood. May you experience the gifts of this Season (peace/hope/love/joy)every day of your long awaited ministry.YOU are both gift and gifted!
