Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday - Whew!

A busy week in the wake of all last weekend's excitement. Pastoral calls, prep for Vestry, Fresh Start meeting (which eats up a whole day), some gift shopping, planning for the January Vestry Retreat, practicing the Liturgy of the Table for Sunday. The sermon is not yet done, but I've got most of it in my head - just have to type it out.

Today was spent doing various errands and wrapping and packing gifts. With the exception of Litigator, from whom I am still waiting for a gift list (he wants books), and PH, it is all done. A few stocking stuffers and I'll be able to breathe easy.

PH and I have gotten in the habit of giving ourselves a joint present. Last year, it was a package deal on massages. Maybe this year it will be some sort of vacation. We are trying to avoid gifts of "things" - it's much more fun to get/give consumables of some sort.

When he comes home, we'll go get a tree and a wreath for the front door - there is something about the smell of the house with fresh greens that is just heavenly.

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