Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday Meandering

Still no voice, although the other symptoms have abated somewhat. I am still planning to head up to Charm City for the conference. No need for me to speak too much, I think (I hope). I sure wish the decongestant would work a little better, although the Neti Pot does help.

Ah, well, there are other folks who need help more than I. The Washington Post has just rolled out its annual fundraising campaign for Children's National Medical Center. Having done CPE there, and having worked with parishioenrs who have children taken care of there, I cannot praise them enough. No child is turned away. Some of the most gifted specialists on earth work there, including Dr Jonas, the cardio-thoracic surgeon who has worked miracles on some very tiny babies with malformed hearts. I had the privilege of watching him perform one of those surgeries, and it was one of the most remarkable things I have ever experienced, particularly since I then got to follow the child and support the family post-surgery. So I urge you to follow this link and donate to them today: .

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link. Wonderful work is done there.

    And take care of yourself!
