Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Thousand Tiny Pieces

...of things to do. When I go out of town for a couple of days, it is remarkable how many things await me when I come home.

So today:

  • we went to the Farmer's Market and thence to the Pumpkin Patch

  • we prepared and delivered the ancient electronic equipment we no longer need to the electronics recycling event

  • I made brownies for St Middle School's parish BBQ and corn maze extravaganza tomorrow (praying for no more rain)

  • I finished the Adult Ed prep for praying with icons

  • I went food shopping

  • PH started the first of several batches of laundry

  • I did a bunch of financial things that required attention

  • I made a couple of pastoral phone calls and did a couple of pastoral emails.

And now I'm stretched out on the couch, wondering if I should get up and start dinner, or simply laze for another half hour or so, reading Family Circle after a couple of hours of wading through Ouspensky, Florenski, Nouwen, Rowan Williams, Denise Levertov, et al.

And for those who wonder about such things, the trip up to meet with Vestry and Bishop went well, I think, but I won't know anything for a bit. Thanks for your prayers!

And this is a mediocre picture of the most recent icon I wrote, Christ Pantocrator, copied from one Bishop Jovan wrote in the late 14th Century.

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