Monday, October 05, 2009

Monday Miscellany

I drove out to Saint Middle School's office in the Mother Ship today to tend to various and sundry bits of paperwork. Had a wonderful conversation, as usual, with supercompetent Heavenly Office Administrator as we got some work done, helped out a lady with some utility company issues, sent a bunch of emails, did some organizing and such. Drove home without eating at Mickey D's or Wendy's or any other sinful place. I did stop at Kinko's to copy a picture of the next icon I might do. I mentioned that the Christ Pantocrator icon is almost done - I'll post a picture of it when it is finished and varnished.

I had grand plans to get a good start on the sermon for next week, because this week is so busy. I made a tiny dent, but it is still a long way from being a whole thought, well rendered. Oh, well.

Tomorrow and Wednesday will be convocation at Big Old Seminary, and it will be good to be in an academic environment and see many of my friends again. Joy! And on Thursday, I'll be with my pals at Fresh Start.

I'm grieving the announcement that Gourmet magazine will be no more. It has been a part of my life for thirty years. I had a friend who wrote for it, I made zillions of recipes from it, I fantasized about visiting all the beautiful places described revoir, Gourmet! You were a teacher of mine.

I spent a few minutes filling out the background check materials for the job north of here. Always a thrill, remembering how long ago it was when I went for my first master's degree, how many places I've worked over the years, all the odds and ends of my life...since the background check company did another one of these just two months ago for the job I turned down, it shouldn't take them but a few minutes of xeroxing to do this one.

Dinner is cooking, PH has safely arrived after fighting his way through a massive traffic jam, I DID manage to exercise today (a 45 minute brisk walk) and the week will be busy. Life is good. Just color me grateful.

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