Friday, October 02, 2009

Friday Five: Touching Holiness

Today's Friday Five comes from Sally:

"Yesterday I was privileged to join the thousands of pilgrims who had flocked to York Minster to see the casket containing the bones of St Therese of Lisieux. People came from miles around, some with deep faith came to venerate the Saint, others with none came out of curiosity. The Christians who came represented a mix of denominations, I went because I have read her writings and out of sheer curiosity having never been to anything like this before.

To put it in crude terms I was blown away by the by the deep sense of God's presence, of gentleness, of holiness and purity. Today as I reflect upon the experience I recognise that there have been other places and other times when I have experienced a tangible touch of God. I wonder if it was because the message that Therese had is so much needed today, she experienced God as a God of love, and encouraged others to draw closer..."

Where do you find God's peace and presence; is there:

1. A place that holds a special memory?

The cathedral at Chartres. Walking in that dark transcendent space, thrown by the sense of other time and other space. The chapel at Santa Maria Della Concezione in Rome, with everything made of the bones of dead Capuchin friars: "As you are, I was. As I am, you will be."

2. A song that seems to usher you into the Holy of Holies?

Biebl's "Ave Maria," the "Mache Dicht, Mein Herzes Rein" from the St Matthew Passion. Arvo Part "Spiegel im Spiegel." Taverner...
Music takes me there faster than just about anything.

3.A book/ poem/ prayer that says what you cannot?

TS Eliot. "Little Gidding."

4. How do you remind yourself of these things at times when God seems far away?

I walk, and listen to music, or I talk to my grandchildren.

5.Post a picture/ poem or song that speaks of where you are right now in your relationship with God...

Yes, this is a pushmepullyou. Enough said.


  1. Love your play. I'm partial to Holy Week music myself--it just plunges into the depths of my soul and grips me there.

    The picture is great!

  2. PS--the link at revgals isn't working.

  3. Good play, indeed!

  4. :-) love that picture!

    As for the music.... goose bumps!
