Friday, August 07, 2009

Sundry Delights

I was summoned to the home of one of my parishioners this morning, with the caveat "don't worry - it isn't a problem" but with no further guidance. So I hied myself westward the 40 or so miles to the land of Saint Middle School, and to the lovely home of said parishioner.

Turns out she had some fabric she wanted to use to make me a stole. Fun, with drawings of children of many ethnicities, talking about peace and love, lots of bright colors. We hope it will be done in time for the "Blessing of the Backpacks" Sunday in a few weeks. She is yet another of the gifted people who are a part of this parish.

I spent much of the rest of the morning completing the PowerPoint for the Adult Forum for Sunday. This is the second week of talking about the relationship between church and state over the course of history - this week we'll be talking about Constantine, who made Christianity a religion sanctioned by the state. After a couple hundred years of persecution and martyrdom, what do you do when belonging to your religion is finally no longer subversive?* Fascinating stuff.

Then another delightful parishioner took me to lunch at a restaurant I hadn't tried before. Delicious, great ambience, wonderful conversation. Just pure pleasure.

And now I'm home on a beautiful afternoon, waiting for PH to have "date night" with me. Blessings abound!

* If you think you have to do something really special to show you are honoring Christ's sacrifice for us, you go into the desert and live as a hermit. The beginning of monasticism...

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