Friday, August 28, 2009

Random Dots of Friday

  • StrongOpinions has posted her lovely, slightly rusty 1973 Datsun 280Z on Ebay. Thanks be to God. It is a 10-day sale, and we sure hope she finds a buyer among the Z enthusiasts out there, because it is sitting out front of our house. She definitely doesn't need it in Brooklyn.

  • Vestry meeting last night was miraculously on schedule, ending at 9:05 pm, thanks to some adroit management by the Senior Warden. Good folks with very very different styles of getting things done, which sometimes frustrates those who have other styles of getting things done. Group process is still group process, isn't it?

  • Still no clarity around the various positions to which I may be called. They are so very, very different. I'm hoping my visit to the Windy City next week and to the Garden State in two weeks will lend some clarity to it. I don't know if the process for the position hard by Mr Jefferson's Academical Village will move quickly enough to make it a possibility, but you never know. Prayers, please, to have patience and for the wisdom of God to be revealed.

  • I opened up one of the utility bills and saw written in large letters along the bottom *****FINAL BILL****. What the???? So I called up and discovered that someone else had tried to open up utility service in her name at our address, which automatically threw us into final bill status, and then called back to say she had given them the wrong address. We had received several items of mail addressed to our address, but with this individual's name. What kind of espece d'idiot doesn't get the new address right? Oh, well, it got fixed with a phone call, and I presume she's dyslexic or something.

  • The sermon is not done yet. The Adult Ed program is not complete. And still I procrastinate. To work.

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