Tuesday, May 12, 2009

And in the Category of Most Graceless Turn-Downs

I offer you this:

"... we have concluded that you do not meet several of the attributes the Lord is leading us to desire in our next rector. As others have applied who more nearly meet this expectations, we have decided to drop you from further consideration."

I guess my walking on water was not up to snuff.


  1. Puh-leeze. First prize for the most convoluted and strained kiss-off I've ever read.

    Sorry. I get how this feels. I guess we need to practice our water-walking!

  2. And this turn-down from a purportedly Christian institution!

  3. My initial reaction of "Oh, no you didn't!" I still believe God is working in all this. I cannot help feeling that their loss is your gain. Peace be with you.

  4. They clearly need some communication technique education. Just be thankful they didn't ask you to be their minister. Imagine working with that lot!

  5. (words I should not leave on another person's blog)

    Bugs to them.

    My WV: ablesses. Bless them and send them on their sad, sad way.

  6. I agree with SR. If that's how they treat their candidates, it doesn't bode well for how they will treat their new pastor. But no matter how they say no, it still doesn't feel good.

  7. Wow. I can't stop reading it over and over. Yes, being rejected by such folks is probably (ultimately) a blessing.

  8. Thanks, y'all. I feel less drop-kicked this morning.

    The funny-sad part of the story is that they are a tiny, troubled little church whose neighborhood has changed around them; they are in dire need of the skills I could bring to them, but I suspect that they want someone who is already priested. The fact that I will (only) be a deacon may have gotten in their way.

    God be with them as I shake the dust off my sandals and shake my head at the artlessness of it all.

  9. Oh yuck. You certainly are better off without them. I feel sorry for their next priest.

  10. Over from MP's site... as one who has been in countless 'discernment' processes, all I can say is they are brutal. Sorry you got such a pitiful hose letter. Nonetheless, it hurts.
