Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yes, It's Saturday, Folks....

...and completely out of character for me, the sermon for tomorrow isn't written yet. I've been in the midst of a full court press incorporating revisions from my outside reader into my thesis, so it can be done,done,done forever. For the sermon, I have some vague ideas about how sitting down at a meal is what makes a relationship real, how it's so easy to label someone "other" until you've shared a table with them...I'm hoping the Spirit will grace me with some more ideas and that the sermon will flow.

I showed three icons (Sophia, Paul, Angel) at the Big Old Seminary art show. Got lots of props from folks, including my thesis advisor, who doesn't know she will receive the Paul as a gift after grades are turned in. Several folks wanted to buy or commission, but that's not really what icon-writing is about, for me. I occasionally give them as gifts, but it doesn't feel like something I could ask money for.

Job search is still job search. I'm waiting for the final go-ahead from the bishop to apply for clergy-in-charge positions. I should get that okay, but I can't really do anything until he says yes officially. and I got passed over (yet again) by a nearby parish because it is a youth ministry job and I'm too old. Not that I'm bitter or anything.

I'm also thinking creatively about an idea that's a little outside the box, but would also need the diocese to buy in...still chewing on some of this stuff.

Other school stuff: there are a couple of odds and ends in my Young Adult Minsitry class to tend to, but they are quite manageable. I've got to get kicking on the research project now that the thesis is winding down.

Grateful that my eyes haven't given out yet from all the reading I've been doing (and not fun stuff, either). Amazed that in less than 30 days I will have a Master of Divinity degree.

it's time, God. Give me a job.

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