Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No News Tuesday

The GOE scores didn't arrive in our mailboxes today. Drag. I just want to see what they are so I can deal with them, whatever the result. The waiting is not fun.

Nevertheless, I decided this morning that I was sick of feeling cranky and ready to burst out of my skin so I (mirabile dictu) went downstairs first thing this morning and worked out. Not much - some time on the elliptical and some gentle weights - yes the doctor okayed this - and stretches.

The result is that I was in much better humor today, and was actually able to do some good work on the thesis, and do a good job serving as co-leader of a group that I am mentoring. Of course, it may have been that I used up all my crankiness on Monday. I'm trying to convince myself that it was the exercise, though, so I keep doing that.

I did get one bit of news: one of the jobs that I applied for was filled. They really wanted someone already ordained to the priesthood, and the person who got the job is a great priest, so I have a hard time feeling bad about it. God has a place for me. It will be interesting to learn where that place is, and I sure hope God doesn't wait too long to reveal it.

Since we didn't get around to celebrating Valentine's Day this weekend what with the Conference on Ministry and all that, PH and I are taking advantage of DC Restaurant Week and enjoying a nice prix-fixe dinner at a favorite restaurant tomorrow night. If the GOE scores arrive and are good, it will be an additional cause for celebration. If they arrive and aren't so good, it will be a consolation. If they don't arrive tomorrow, I'll simply celebrate that the important thing is that I have someone wonderful who loves me no matter what. And that's the best Valentine's present of all.


  1. "...I have someone wonderful who loves me no matter what."

    That truly is the most important thing. Blessings to you.

  2. I don't think I knew when my GOE scores were coming--thank goodness...waiting for something like that can be SO hard.

    As is the job process--good luck! I know there will a good place for you...patience is hard though!
