Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Long Time A-Comin'

It feels like all of us who are progressives in the Church are taking our first deep breath in many moons. Finally, the change is really here. And we are here with it, celebrating.

Hineni. Here I am. What Samuel said when the Lord called him in this morning's Old Testament reading.

Hineni. Yes.

What that means, though, is that we stop being the loyal opposition, decrying the misdeeds of the Bush administration. Now it is up to us. Yes, we've gotten the President we hoped for. But it is not his work alone. It is all our work, and it begins now.

It also means that (as I heard in a sermon this morning) when compromise comes, we are responsible to name it if we feel this compromise is wrong. It's easy to speak out against those whom we oppose. But when the ones we support do things we disagree with, we are obligated to speak.

That's what true support means.

Hineni. Here I am. When we celebrate, when we disagree, when we are disappointed, when we are overjoyed. Hineni. Here I am.

It is all our work.

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