Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Five: Take Me, Baby, or Leave Me

Songbird says, "Although written by a young man, this song from "Rent" became an anthem for women of a certain age ready to be taken on their own terms. Maureen and Joanne love each other, but they are *very* different.

Whether it's new friends or new loves or new employers, what are five things people should know about you?"

1. Don't lie to me. Ever.

2. When you agree to do something, and then don't do it, I'll probably take care of it. But you will suffer from my crankiness afterwards, and that's probably not worth it.

3. I do lists. It's how I stay on top of things. Don't make fun of the lists.

4. Teasing is not a helpful way to tell me you don't like the way I am doing something. Just tell me straight out, please. I'm tough enough to take it. Conversely, I do like to hear if I'm doing something right, and you can tell me that any way you want.

5. If you say nasty things about someone we both know, I'll usually be wondering what you say about me behind my back. And it will be hard for me to trust you.