Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Feeling sort of sick-ish.

I don't know whether I've got a cold coming on or if this is the result of not enough sleep. I had class last night until 10 pm and then came home to deal with StrongOpinions trying to get back from the Big Apple to Hippy-DippyTown by the Flatiron Range. Her flight to Minneapolis was late, so she missed the connection to Mile-High City. The airlines wouldn't give her a hotel voucher. Fortunately, she had a friend who lives in Minn., so she crashed with the friend and got to the airport this morning.

All of these logistics required several very late night phone calls, the last of which was at 1 am. I had an 8 am class today, so I'm dragging.

This quarter I have three night classes. Not a good thing.

On the other hand, this week I delivered 24 more pages to my thesis advisor. I'm meeting with her tomorrow. I've begun the next phase of the work and am making good progress.

Thus I feel no guilt about being stretched out on the couch right now in my jammies and polarfleece robe, doing very little indeed.


  1. Hugs, my dear. Three night classes? Ugh. I'd flunk out if I had that schedule, so good for you! But I'm sure that makes you quite tired. Again, lots of hugs!

  2. Thanks for the hugs. Monday night, I'm auditing Anglican thought with Sedgwick (boy, am I glad I'm auditing it!), Tuesday night I've got Medical Ethics with Libby, and Thursday I'm taking a Spiritual Direction Class for consortium credit over at Wash Theological Union across town. The Spiritual Direction class feeds my soul. Still, I'm a morning person, not a night person, so this messes with me majorly. Oh, well, four more weeks of this, then all will be well.

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Considering the weather outside, jammies and a polarfleece robe sound just right!

    I'm trying to psych myself up for going out in it, to drive across town to WTU. ick.. (not "ick" for WTU, but "ick" for the weather and the drive and all those other drivers!) -- and to rub salt in that wound, my dog is here curled up in her bed, soft blanket scootched all around her. sigh...

    Three night classes? oh my...

  4. I'm with you, Lorraine. The drive to WTU this evening is going to be bad, so we're leaving at 5:30 for a 7 pm class. It will be a loooooong evening.
