Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday Tired With Sunday on the Way

The week just bumfuzzled me. Extra TA hours, chapel team every morning, kicking off the GOE prep sessions, helping with Lay committee training program, getting my writing schedule for the thesis worked out. PH is off in Windy City, which should be renamed Rainy City, and his flight home tomorrow night might be cancelled. I got in an hour nap before going to St Middle School for groovy praise eucharist. Long conversation with the vicar and senior warden afterwards about what the coming year looks like, then a 45 minute drive back home.

So after supper I entertained myself with "A Bit of Fry and Laurie." Before Hugh Laurie became famous as "House", he and the brilliant Stephen Fry (who famously played Oscar Wilde in the eponymous movie about a decade ago, did Jeeves and Wooster, and has published some very interesting and funny books) did short-sketch comedy for the Beeb. For a sample, see here. Nothing like a bit of ridiculousness just two steps more sophisticated than Monty Python to set the world back in order. Worth putting in your Netflix queue.

I'll be starting to teach Sunday School for the adults in two weeks. "Say What?!? Conflict, Community and Christianity." Of course it will solve the problems of all three in...what?....four sessions. Or not.

To bed....

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