Sunday, September 28, 2008

Here I Sit. I Can Do No Other.

After leading the Liturgy of the Word at Sunday Eucharist, teaching the first of a series of classes about Christian responses to conflict, and spending two hours with my Field Ed Lay Committee, I'm whupped.

I have to organize my various and sundry packing for the class down in the Capital of the Confederacy this coming week, but for some reason I can't get up from the couch.

As I was driving out to Saint Middle's School's Saturday night service last night - lots of time to think on a 45 mile drive - I calculated how many hours a week I'm working, between school and Field Ed. Drum roll,'s 68 hours. I think the class down south this week will actually be a break for me, unless I decide I want to do some writing on the thesis in the evening, and finishing next week's sermon, and wrapping up the prep for next week's conflict class.

No wonder I can't get up off the couch.

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