Monday, August 18, 2008

What I Saw on my Summer Vacation

Two does and three fawns, up close and personal.

Several little bunnies in several different locations, utterly fearless.

A black bear, way too close to our cabin.

A dead fox - folks do drive fast out in the country. Roadkill happens.

A number of fat groundhogs.

Confederate flags.

A number of folks who really shouldn't be wearing that tank top.

Sunset across the Choptank with a sailboat running across the sparkling water.

A flurry of monarch and swallowtail butterflies.

Ospreys and their remarkable nests balanced atop pilings - sort of like the ancient hermits who would sit on a pole as a meditative act.

Rainbows, but mostly blue skies.

A number of horses and cows, including a bull standing at the fence, staring across the road at the fenced-in cows, moo-ing a love song, or a seduction song, or perhaps just the morning's news report.

Farmstands with the most wonderful fruit and vegetables.

Incoming students at Thomas Jefferson's academical institution. Are they getting younger, or am I getting older? Wait...don't answer that.

A great vacation, but it's also great to be home again. On the second load of wash, with a few more to go.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    On Sept. 25, Episcopalians and others around the world will be participating in World MDG Blogging Day to raise awareness about the MDGs while world leaders are meeting in New York to chart their progress.

    I'd love it if you'd consider taking part. We've got more than 100 blogs signed up already ... and that's just after one day!

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    Thanks for considering this and God bless you.

    Christ's peace,

    Mike Kinman
    Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation (
