Saturday, August 23, 2008

School is Coming

Already the calendar is filling up with the various things that seminary brings. I'll be preaching in chapel on the 11th (food offered to idols - should be fun - but I've got to say it in only five minutes), we're planning music for the choir, I'm exegeting for the preaching award competition, participating in a forum about seminary life for the juniors. Assorted other stuff. I've been tightening up the thesis topic and am looking forward to getting together with my advisor to see what she has to say. It may mean a change in my outside reader - we'll see.

I spent yesterday doing research in my little study carrel in the library, getting used to the space. A bit on the small side, but that's life. I expect I'll know every millimeter of it before the year is out.

Dang. I'm a senior. How did that happen?

Off to the farmers' market, and thence to icon writing. Some things never change.

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