Saturday, July 19, 2008

Goodbyes and Hellos

Tomorrow is my last Sunday at Saint Diverse. They'll be having a little fete for me afterwards, which should be fun. Remarkable how one can get connected with people in just eight weeks. We have a Wednesday Eucharist at noon, and some of the folks who attend that don't come to Sunday church, so the goodbyes started then. Learning to say goodbye has been one of my learnings over the past few years. I am finally starting to get more comfortable with them, although it doesn't mean I don't get sad. I just face the sadness head-on, and face the gift of the time I did have with these people in my life.

This morning PH and I went down to the Farmers Market in Old Town and bought way too much gorgeous produce. To my surprise I ran into a friend from my former life whom I hadn't seen in two years. We chatted and arranged to get together in another week or so. It was a delight to see her and hear a bit about her life these days.

Not all goodbyes or hellos are planned. They're all a gift.

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