Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Checking Items off the List

The sermon for Trinity Sunday to be delivered in Homiletics class on Friday is done. It's not a work of art, but it'll preach.

The Systematics project is done and delivered. Bless the dear sainted professor, she felt badly that our prior project was not graded prior to our doing this last project, so she is counting the last project as a portion of the exam, and reducing the number of essays we have to write on the final. This is a majorly good thing.

The honors thesis proposal and all its associated paperwork are done. The documents are signed. The pre-registration for Fall '08 is signed and delivered to the registrar.

I have an appointment for a haircut on Monday so I don't look like a shaggy dog at candidacy interviews.

I'm more than halfway through the Ethics paper. Most of the back half is stuff I enjoy doing, like outlining how I would teach the subject of the thesis to my parish, and sketching a sermon on the subject. It finally feels like this will get done on time.

I need to study for the Systematics and Ethics finals, but that feels strangely manageable.

And candidacy interviews are entirely in the hands of the Holy Spirit, so there's little I can do except be well-groomed and well-medicated (just kidding).

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