Sunday, March 30, 2008

Well and Truly Home

PH and I were down at a conference of his for much of the past week. It was a celebratory event for him - he's qualified for Diplomate status (a big deal earned by very few folks in his profession) and he's been elected VP of his professional association, which also means he will automatically become president in two years. I went along to lend wifely support (he got dragged along to a bunch of my conferences back when I was a lobbyist in the banking industry, so this is turnabout-fair play). Because he is a pastoral counselor, and many of the conference presentations have applicability to the work I'll do in parish ministry, I went to learn new things. A good conference, with some interesting speakers. I'm glad I went.

It's a sign of how very ingrained seminary has become in my life that it felt odd not having assigned reading, not having written assignments, not being required to do anything except sit there. Of course, having gotten used to not doing anything like that over the past several days, going back to regular classes at Big Old Seminary tomorrow will be a shock to the system.

A good shock, though. I love what I'm doing,, and I'm glad I'm back to being healthy enough to dig back in.

The cats are still being disdainful of us as a way of punishing us for being gone so long. Since this so closely resembles their everyday behavior, we are not unduly concerned.

A shout-out to the RevGals who are off on the cruise. Have a drink with a little parasol in it for me. The sound you hear is a longing sigh.

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