Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Yes, I'm still around. No major changes. I'm just sittin' here, waiting for my IVig infusions tomorrow and Friday. I actually ventured out this morning to have a meeting with the rector of the church just a couple of miles down the road where I'll do my summer internship. He is a delight and, as they say, willing to let me play with his toys, so it should be a really wonderful opportunity to stretch and do all sorts of stuff.

Then I did the critically important stuff: got the car washed (it was FILTHY), stopped by school to see if any of last semester's papers had been returned yet (of course not - what was I thinking?), picked up PH's pants from the dry cleaners (it was on the way), and went to the library (if I'm gonna be stuck on the sofa with an IV, I want some trashy reading).

So instead of doing school reading, or something useful and edifying like the three new books of poems (Mary Karr and 2 Mary Olivers) that Amazon just delivered, I will be reading...(drum roll, please)

Last Rituals, a murder mystery by Yrsa Sigurdardottir, an Icelandic author
The Diana Chronicles by Tina Brown
Not That You Asked: Rants Exploits and Obsessions by Steve Almond
Right Livelihoods, a collection of novellas by the incomparable Rick Moody
Chronicler of the Winds, another murder mystery, by Henning Mankell
and (I'm embarrassed to say)
Home to Holly Springs by Jan Karon.

If I'm going to be in fantasyland, I may as well REALLY be in fantasyland. And I just finished Elizabeth Strout's Abide with Me, which is one of the most transcendent bits of writing I've had the pleasure of reading in the past few months, so I figure I can get away with reading some semi-trashy stuff before school re-starts.

And there is a batch of chocolate chip cookies in the cookie tin, and I will make apple crisp tonight - carefully - so I won't starve. Wonderful L has insisted on bringing dinner Thursday night and , knowing her, chocolate will be involved in some form. There's a batch of beef stew in the freezer. And I get to spend two whole days sitting around in my jammies.

It isn't all that bad.


  1. Thinking of you.

    Are you going to see Carrie N at JJ in February?

  2. I eish I could, but we're doing a Saturday night service now at Saint Middle School, so I'm not able to.


  3. I, too, am thinking of you.

    I would think you were due some trash reading. Plus, you can justify it by keeping up with the reading that others are reading while you keep your nose in the academic book.

    You know... all work and no play...

    Praying for you
