Friday, October 26, 2007

Yeah, the Rockies are Nice Guys, But...


(I'll go sit down and be quiet now.)

BTW, the high point of last week's classes was the announcement at the beginning of a Systematic Theology class by the prof, a gentle, sweet and dauntingly brilliant woman of a certain age, that "Josh Beckett rules!"

As in all things she says in that class, this was truth.

Out in the world, some were saying that Josh Beckett is God, but that doesn't preach in ST class, of course.


  1. Since the playoffs began, profs. have allowed 1 student per class to keep an eye on the ballgame on their laptop. During breaks everyone rushes out to the computer lab to check the score. On Wednesday we, er, borrowed a TV from the student lounge and set it up in the lobby so we could watch during breaks.

    Go Rockies!!

  2. I do note that Curt Schilling commented "God had his fingerprints all over this game" -- his blog is "38 Pitches"...a very different world.
    I'm so darned old I can remember a classmate in high school with the SINGLE earphone of a transistor (!!!) radio tucked into his ear (cord up the sleeve of his shirt) to keep us posted on the Yankees vs. the Dodgers...
