Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday Nights Random Dots

  • Friday is my sabbath - no classes, just small group worship, so Thursday night is bliss. Yes, I should do a bunch of reading for next week, but tonight will be a night of reading silly stuff, watching the season opener of Grey's Anatomy, and knitting socks.

  • I finished my green sweater that had been lying fallow for about a month. It is downstairs, being blocked. It turned out okay. Not fabulous, but it will be a pretty and serviceable sweater.

  • My BFF L is coming over with her husband M for dinner tomorrow night. Doing the happy dance. I'll make shrimp curry, saag paneer, paratha, and rice. L will bring a wonderful salad with fruit of some sort in it, and I think we'll have something simple for dessert, maybe shortbread and ice cream. Fun to do something other than reading and writing.

  • Still putting loads of stuff on my IPod. It's my new addiction. I've even downloaded Spanish language podcasts to augment my Spanish class at Big Old Seminary.

  • PH and I are celebrating our tenth anniversary next month. He is busy researching places we can go for a Fri-Sat weekend getaway... places, of course, that we can afford. Fun to be thinking of going for a little road trip somewhere. I'll have to get the schoolwork done ahead of that weekend. So be it.

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