Monday, September 24, 2007

Quiet Day

Tomorrow is Quiet Day at the seminary. We begin the day with Eucharist and a meditation, then pray, read and rest in silence until an afternoon meditation.

The temptation is strong to use the time for schoolwork. There are so many things to do: commence reading for my Systematics paper, read for other classes, memorize my mini-sermon for get the picture.

I was reading today, though, about the desert fathers and their contemplative practice. They used to weave baskets as they prayed, to keep their hands busy. I think I may knit in silence tomorrow. I've not had time to do much knitting since school started back up again, and I find it so very soothing. So maybe silence, knitting, a walk in God's good creation...the work will wait for another day.

And I think no Internet during Quiet Time, either. The "Committee in my Head," Jean Stairs' wonderful phrase, will be quieter without the intrusion of the Web.

Deo gratias.

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