Thursday, September 20, 2007

Prayers, Please

For the repose of the soul of Angel, the 15 year old AIDS patient with whom I developed a close friendship while doing CPE this summer. She died a few days ago. She was one of the bravest and brightest young women I've ever known, and was an extraordinary teacher to me. I was grateful to be able to be a safe person for her to talk to, and some comfort to her family.

Her favorite musician was Michael Jackson (!) and her favorite colors were pink and purple. She loved having "spa days" and getting manicures and pedicures. She wanted to be a journalist, and had a pile of personal journals that she had filled with her thoughts by her bed. Even when she was too sick for conversation, she always asked for a prayer, and the thing she always asked for was not healing, but to not be bored.

When I saw her last at the end of CPE, she was about 85 pounds and quite ill, but was hopeful she could go home and be home-schooled for her sophomore year of high school. Her chart made it clear to me what was ahead, but my prayer for her was that she might go home, at least for a little while. It didn't happen. She has gone to another home, a better one, and I am glad for her, even as I weep for her.

To the gates of Paradise
Lead your child home.

To your mercy seat
Lead your child home.

To the kingdom of heaven
Lead your child home.

To your true sanctuary
Lead your child home.

To the multitude of the blessed
Lead your child home.

To the fount of life
Lead your child home.

To the gates of pearl
Lead your child home.

To the ladder of angels
Lead your child home.

To the land of milk and honey
Lead your child home.

To the clouds of glory
Lead your child home.

To the refreshing stream
Lead your child home.

To the reward of the righteous
Lead your child home.

To the dwelling place of God
Lead your child home.



  1. Light light perpetual shine upon her.

    Beautiful prayer.

  2. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    As she goes from strength to strength, from this life to the next, may you both always know the healing power of Christ Jesus and the everlasting love of God. I wish you the Lord's Peace in this and all things. Shalom.
