Sunday, September 09, 2007

First Sunday

Today was my first day at my Field Ed site, Saint Middle School. It's a mission of a much larger old church and our services are held at a middle school (thus the name). I served as Lay Eucharistic Minister, and after the service I taught Senior High Sunday School (very stressful for me, as teaching kids is not a natural gift and I worried - it turned out okay, though). Then I went with the Middle School and Senior High kids to bowling.

Saint Middle School is 38 miles from home, so I had almost an hour's drive in each direction. I came home, PH cooked us omelets (he is a prince) and I promptly fell asleep for an hour and a half. One of the downsides of MS is periods of extreme fatigue, and it definitely hit me this afternoon.

So now I'm up again, finishing up my reading for tomorrow's classes, getting ready to fix dinner, trying to get everything done in time to watch the Inspector Lynley Mystery on PBS at 9.

Trying to schedule everything now that I'm working on Sundays is going to be a bear. I got up at 6 this morning to run a couple of loads of wash before I left for church. Thank goodness I only care a little bit about the condition of the house!


  1. I was so glad to have a field placement that was just a 20 minute walk away.

    No matter how much you're used to doing on Sunday, taking on even a semi-clergy role seems to bring on the need for a Sunday afternoon nap!!

  2. 20 minutes. You were blessed. I figure that I have the luxury of a far-away field placement, since I'm an empty nester with an understanding husband. My classmates with little ones and spouses or partners who don't understand the work can take the close placements. Ain't I noble?
