Thursday, April 19, 2007


I have a new addiction.


Yes, those incredibly ugly but amazingly comfy rubber shoes.

I know PeaceBang wouldn't approve, but I swear I'll wear them every day to CPE, when I've got long hospital halls to go up and down. If I wear fancy shoes, I sometimes have foot aches and pains, and it takes very little for me to get a blister. Wussy feet. Crocs solve that problem.

My present pair are a tasteful sage green, but since I'll be working at a children's hospital, I think a pair in purple or hot pink or bright orange might be in order. And they're inexpensive enough that I won't feel guilty buying them...

Plus, they're non-caloric!


  1. Who needs Peace Bang when your own daughter won't let you buy these? Babs threatened to throw them away when I wasn't looking if I bought them--even if I promised to only wear them for gardening.

    Enjoy yours!

  2. The kids love them in our elementary school and they now have some really cool swirly colors that the kids think are "da bomb"

    Go for it and enjoy them!

  3. You can also buy little pin-thingies to put through the holes to make them more festive. That's what i need to be - more festive!

  4. If you check Beauty Tips, you'll discover that Peacebang herself has succumbed . . .
