Monday, November 20, 2006

News update on break-ups, mess-ups, and speak-ups

On the breakup of StrongOpinions and Semi-Useless Boyfriend:
I was worried about my girl, so I cashed in some frequent flyer miles, went out to Buddhist University last weekend and made sure she was eating and such. I took her out to eat a couple of times, made a batch of vegetarian chili and put it in the freezer, adn took her for some retail therapy. she seems to be doing better. SUB called last week, though, and wanted to get back together. SO is appropriately skeptical. I'm hoping she decides it's over once and for all, but mothers can't push about such things. She can do better, though.

On the Congress:
No sooner did Nancy Pelosi ascend to the Speakership than she tripped over her (very chic) Armani pantsuit and backed Jack Murtha for her second in command. The predictable result was that he lost, and her former rival, Steny Hoyer, won. An embarrassment, since she expended much political capital trying to get her candidate the job. She should have done better, but I'm still hoping she can do better.

Our new Presiding Bishop, Katharine, sent a very crisp letter ( to a bishop who, unhappy about the past 30+ years of ECUSA's decisions, was threatening to pull his whole diocese out of the church. It was the letter I was hoping someone, somehow, someday would write. Finally! She has done better, and I'm proud. You go, girl!

On school:
I am busily writing, and reading, and translating, and memorizing. I'm trying to NOT feel guilty about going to PH's family in the Windy City for Thanksgiving. Rationally I know I cannot get it all done, even if I stay home chained to the books and the computer, but irrationally, I worry. (mumbling to myself: "all will be well, all will be well...")

I will do better at managing my own expectations of myself.


(And you blog-lurkers, c'mon and check in with me. I love to know you're there reading my pithy prose.)


  1. It must be hard to parent through that kind of relationship crisis when it's your daughter. I have counseled #1 Son over the phone, but it was a new relationship, and frankly he needed to rethink his own behaviors!

  2. Yay +KJS!

    My seminary class mates had a mantra: Done is better than good. Perfectionist that I am about school work, I had difficulty with that one, but the truth is, you probably can't get it all done, and the profs know that already. So really try to have a guilt free Thanksgiving....and all WILL be well.

  3. Been there done that with a daughter and the ex-boyfriend. I sympathize with wishing you could "fix" it, but you can't! Have a good Thanksgiving and try not to fret.

    Also delurking again!

  4. Rev-to-be-Mibi, you sound like a great mom and a great student of Hebrew. Blessings to you this Thanksgiving week-- here'a blogstone: (o).

    Also, this Calvinista is envious of the moral clarity of your fearless leader. MadPriest ("Of Course I Could be Wrong") calls her "Our Katharine."


  5. Anonymous3:27 PM

    You betcha we are reading - I have you on my RSS Feed! Thanks for the link for the Presiding Bishop - am going to check it now.

    Delurkey Delight!

  6. I'm reading! What a great Mom you are... of course we already knew that.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
